
Doomsday info leaked

We were asked to publish this video about the coming doomsday caused by Nibiru.
In my research on Nibiru, I came across shocking answers that contain some evidence of government members, who have now broken their silence, because they could not agree with her consciences to lie to the people and run without warning against the wall . let Since the 80 years all governments, selected scientists and the military, there are exactly opposite the end of 2012, the planet Nibiru crosses the orbit of the Earth, triggering devastating disasters as Nibiru 4 times is larger and 5 times more massive than Earth and collapse the gravitational forces of the Earth's magnetic field can . The worst part, however, are the interactions with our sun, as also in recent years an increased solar activity was determined that the experts can not explain. The planet Nibiru was only in 1983 by NASA, using an infrared telescope to be discovered, because the only planet with infrared dark red (x-rays) could be made visible. The amazing thing is that it is precisely the well-known author of "Zecharia Sitchin" made with his book about the Annunaki (aliens gods, which altered the genetic material of humans), NASA then attention has, by telling them they should work with the new telescope the region between Neptune and Pluto search for it! Then Nibiru was actually discovered and named by NASA as Planet X. Further measurements revealed now that Planet X is described actually like the old Sumeren, every 3600 years, our solar system crosses as part of a possible binary solar system, while towards the end of this cycle quite close to the earth flies past, before leaving in 2014 the Earth's orbit again. In the summer of 2009 it should be visible with the naked eye in the southern hemisphere and could be achieved by interactions with the solar power systems can fail, next year in the northern hemisphere. The governments now know about the Katatrophen biblical proportions that await us in 2012 and have had in the past 10 years in every country in the world to build bunkers, because they assume that survive only 1 / 3 of mankind will naturally find only the Elite shelter, military and selected scientists who want the world to build their expertise and again 5 years later. Now we know why were frozen seeds in Svalbard, namely the plant withered earth again. Ironically, Bill Gates has bought into the seed business, because after the disaster, probably can not make money with Windows, anywhere pocketed huge amounts of money and created the rich and no one knew why - until now! 

If you are too soft do not watch it. The alien content is rather shocking .

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