Entries in Babylonian cuneiform tablets prompted the research to speculation whether the deity Nibiru or a celestial object represents a particular constellation in the night sky. In the bulleted Nibiru is mentioned at various points in connection with astronomical phenomenon positions of stars and planets. The individual stars or planets were subject to it not fixed allocations. Ea was the star of the example described at various points of revelation, which was either named as star of the sailing ship, or Venus. Similar assignments were told the other stars of the gods, so also certain celestial coordinates are in question, which appeared on the stars of the gods. The majority of historians in Nibiru comes from heaven by a moving object. For the assignment as equating with planets or comets are far apart from the speculation. Jupiter, Canopus, Venus, the phenomenon of trans-Neptunian object and the comet Halley are touted as possible candidates for Nibiru.
In a text concerning the Babylonian Akitu-fests are in the ritual questioning on 5 Nisannu the revered deities described: The celebration of the 5th Nisannu began 4 hours before the end of the night and with the same initial ceremonies of the 4th Nisannu. Instead of blessing formula Pegasus now the words were spoken: Dimmer ankia as a decision of the fates, Nunki as speaker of wisdom, Asari (Marduk) as Schenker of cultivated land, Jupiter as a signal generator, Mercury as a rain bringer, Saturn as truth and justice, Mars, Bringer of wild fire, Sirius as exploration of the sea water, boat, as the Lord of Enlil, Nenegar arise out of itself, as a bringer of calm Numušda incessant rain, the chest of the scorpion as a topcoat over the sea, sun and moon all men. Is there any other God but my God? ... [Waiting for response] ... No? No one is like my god
In a text concerning the Babylonian Akitu-fests are in the ritual questioning on 5 Nisannu the revered deities described: The celebration of the 5th Nisannu began 4 hours before the end of the night and with the same initial ceremonies of the 4th Nisannu. Instead of blessing formula Pegasus now the words were spoken: Dimmer ankia as a decision of the fates, Nunki as speaker of wisdom, Asari (Marduk) as Schenker of cultivated land, Jupiter as a signal generator, Mercury as a rain bringer, Saturn as truth and justice, Mars, Bringer of wild fire, Sirius as exploration of the sea water, boat, as the Lord of Enlil, Nenegar arise out of itself, as a bringer of calm Numušda incessant rain, the chest of the scorpion as a topcoat over the sea, sun and moon all men. Is there any other God but my God? ... [Waiting for response] ... No? No one is like my god
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