By Erich von Däniken led "A.A.S. - Research Institute for Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI "; (founded in1973 under the name" Ancient Astronaut Society "and refounded in 1998 as a Swiss GmbH) brings together people who want to prove extraterrestrial visits. The acronym SETI stands for Search for ExtraterrestrialIntelligence (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence). The A.A.S. publishes a bimonthly magazine and organizes annual conferences.
In 1996, the "Erich von Däniken Foundation" was founded. Däniken has given the Foundation a part of his extensive archive. These include books, slides, films, manuscripts, pictures and more. The foundation's purpose is to explore the great mysteries of the world, particularly puzzling relics of past civilizations. The Foundation aims to promote research that previously seemed impossible: research that adhere to the principles of scientific knowledge and profit are carried out by scientists, can not be narrow but from existing paradigms.
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