
The bestseller Chariot of the Gods

The contents of each chapter are:
Chapter: The possibilities of extraterrestrial life in the Galaxy are discussed. For this purpose, one of the Drake formula similar calculation by Willy Ley is on the number of possible planets taken with civilized ways of life. At the end of the chapter von Daniken theorized within civilizations some 10,000 years could be already arisen several times, and sunk back into barbarism.
Chapter: Von Daniken illustrates an interstellar space flight, the astronauts on the stand under the effect of time dilation. To this end the encounter with the primitive inhabitants of another planet is described, in particular the means to integrate the "savages" in the work of the expedition and the impressions of the technique are stressed on the natives. Von Daniken then summarizes the effects of this expedition together in such a way that the natives, the expedition retrospect transfigure as a visit from gods and products from this store in the form of cave paintings and rock drawings, the underspending but the facts are not sufficient.
Chapter: There are thought to be features of the history of mankind. These include the map of Piri Reis, the drawings in the Nasca plain, the city of Tiahuanaco and the Iron Pillar of Delhi. The ignorance of archeology and history in respect of such objects is discussed.
Chapter: descriptions of objects and events from the Bible be interpreted as technical achievements and events. Cited examples are the Ark of the Covenant, which is understood as an intercom system to Yahweh, who, interpreted as a nuclear attack destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the book of Ezekiel and the birth of Noah in the family of Lamech, which is represented as a genetic interference by a higher power.
Chapter: This chapter focuses on the Gilgamesh epic. In particular, the role of the divine origin of the similarities between Gilgamesh and the Flood in the Epic and those highlighted in the Bible.
Chapter: This chapter deals with various topics. For one, these are calendars with their references to the cycles of celestial mechanics, on the other hand, some descriptions taken from the Mahabharata, which relate mainly to Vimanas. At the end of the chapter examines options to preserve the knowledge of a civilization won over her downfall also.
Chapter: There are discussed various buildings of the ancient Egyptians, and indeed the terrace of Baalbek and the Pyramids of Giza. It is doubted that these buildings were built by the Egyptians themselves, and instead suggested the influence of modern technology of an advanced civilization. The purpose of the pyramids and the Egyptian cult of the dead is seen as a possible misinterpretation of cryonics, which will spread to other examples of mummification.
Chapter: Easter Island, its unclear history, and the moai are treated. Von Daniken this suggests a connection between the islands and Tiahuanaco.
Chapter: The Maya and their relationship to astronomy and their calendar, the content of this chapter. The astronomical knowledge of antiquity and its origin can be questioned, what the mechanism of Antikythera, and other day designated as an out-of-place artifacts, archaeological finds, is presented.
Chapter: The rapid pace of development of space, its prospects for the future and its influence on the technical development of mankind are presented. For the latter examples of how the invention can be used with the pacemaker. Then some cases of UFO sightings and the Tunguska event are described. Last part of this chapter is the consideration that it might have existed on Mars, a civilization, and it could be, for the moons Phobos and Deimos are artificial satellites.
Chapter: This chapter focuses on the one hand, the attempts to make contact with radio waves contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. Then the possibility of communication is addressed via telepathy and executed by the example of American medium Edgar Cayce. Further discussed Daniken of the Drake equation and the plans for a manned flight to Mars by the United States. Finally, a brief discussion follows with Wernher von Braun about extraterrestrial life.
Chapter: The last chapter emphasizes once again the technical progress of humanity and the manner how he was being organized by "think tanks".

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