Pulsar - a cosmic source of radio, optical, X-ray, gamma - radiation coming to Earth in the form of periodic bursts (pulses). (Wikipedia).
In the late sixties of last century, namely in June 1967, Jocelyn Bell, a graduate student E. Hewish, with the meridian radio telescope installed in Mallardskoy Radio Astronomy Observatory of the University of Cambridge, opened the first source of pulsed radiation, later called a pulsar.
In February 1968, in press published reports on the discovery of extraterrestrial radio sources, other than a highly stable frequency fast variable of unknown origin. This event caused a sensation in the scientific community. By the end of 1968 the world's observatories was open another 58 such objects. After careful study of their properties, astrophysicists have concluded that the pulsar - is not nothing but a neutron star emitting a narrow radio flux (momentum) in an equal period of time during the rotation of the object entering the field of view of an external observer.
Neutron stars - this is one of the most mysterious objects of the universe, astrophysicists intently studied the whole planety.V today only to lift the veil on the nature of birth and life of pulsars. The observations recorded that their formation occurs after the gravitational collapse of old stars.
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