The term Ancient Astronauts theories are summarized, one or more extraterrestrial intelligences were in the early days of mankind visited Earth and influenced human civilization, or even put into place. This is ofteninterpreted are present in almost all cultures traditions of encounters with gods and other fabulous creatures as visits from extraterrestrial beings.
The theory is based on the following assumptions:
ancient civilizations (Egyptian, Mayan, Andean, etc.). did not possess the knowledge to Achieve some of theirconstruction or production;
elements of ancient texts give evidence of an extraterrestrial presence: some masked characters present onfrescoes represent the ancient astronauts, other factors account for the UFO, or runways;
the aliens have influenced the development of civilizations, teaching Earthlings the agriculture, the writing, etc..or by altering the DNA to promote human progress towards a more intelligent species. Design This Relates to the theory of intelligent alien found in various religious movements or sects like the Raelian Movement with theElohim, or in Jean Sendy, who Argued that the Bible mentions the people of the Chosen (Elohim) came to Earth in their wheels of light ; primitive peoples, faced with the aliens, would have considered that they were gods.
According to Erich von Daniken, the Cargo Cult is a contemporary example of religious beliefs from a tribalculture faces a technologically advanced civilization.
As part of this theory, the geoglyphs of Nazca, in Peru, are considered as a landing strip for aliens, or some kind of message sent by aliens to the local population.
The theory is based on the following assumptions:
ancient civilizations (Egyptian, Mayan, Andean, etc.). did not possess the knowledge to Achieve some of theirconstruction or production;
elements of ancient texts give evidence of an extraterrestrial presence: some masked characters present onfrescoes represent the ancient astronauts, other factors account for the UFO, or runways;
the aliens have influenced the development of civilizations, teaching Earthlings the agriculture, the writing, etc..or by altering the DNA to promote human progress towards a more intelligent species. Design This Relates to the theory of intelligent alien found in various religious movements or sects like the Raelian Movement with theElohim, or in Jean Sendy, who Argued that the Bible mentions the people of the Chosen (Elohim) came to Earth in their wheels of light ; primitive peoples, faced with the aliens, would have considered that they were gods.
According to Erich von Daniken, the Cargo Cult is a contemporary example of religious beliefs from a tribalculture faces a technologically advanced civilization.
As part of this theory, the geoglyphs of Nazca, in Peru, are considered as a landing strip for aliens, or some kind of message sent by aliens to the local population.
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