Where does the alien name Nibiru came from ?
According to the descriptions found in ancient Sumerian manuscripts Zechariah Sitchin archaeologist, gigantic alien planet Nibiru came from "the Anunnaki (Nephilim)" has created the human race with.
This star has been around the sun, that is orbiting with a period 3600 years, and has just come back in 2012. However, Sitchin about the return of the planet does not seem to make clear.
What happens to the Earth by proximity?
The planet Nibiru is approaching and the impact various Earth. For example, the following is.
Pole shift (changing the Earth's rotation axis).
Huge massive eruption crustal giant tsunami earthquake
Abnormal weather
If this is true if, subject to the earth is no doubt a big blow.
In 2005, a NASA "new planet discovered th 10 (New Planet Discovered - Tenth Planet Discovered)" when it announced the discovery of a tenth planet, do not I get is a theory that the planet Nibiru. However, this planet is often true that the negative view from orbit, such as 560 years.
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