Indications for alien life on Mars
• In the summer there are huge Mars
Methane eruptions up to 19,000
• Note on bacterial life
below the surface of Mars. the
Methane could also baer
geochemical sources come
• On Earth, 90% of
Methane by bacteria in
Digestive tract of cattle
• Also on the earth is more than 50%
of life below the surface
("Dark Life").
• The next goal of the Mars Science
Laboratory in the year 201
Methane eruptions up to 19,000
• Note on bacterial life
below the surface of Mars. the
Methane could also baer
geochemical sources come
• On Earth, 90% of
Methane by bacteria in
Digestive tract of cattle
• Also on the earth is more than 50%
of life below the surface
("Dark Life").
• The next goal of the Mars Science
Laboratory in the year 201
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