
Hercolubus the red planet to arrive this year!

Hercolubus the red planet to arrive this year!
"Hercolubus or Red Planet" is a warning to Humanity About the proximity to Earth of the Planet Hercolubus. This is an Enormous planet gravitating Whose great power in our planet Will provoke multiple Earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, etc.
We are indeed living in a difficult era, we find ourselves in the end times, how does the Apocalypse of St. John,at the beginning of the end of the age of mankind. The ancient Earth, the Atlantis passed in the water, ourpresent earth will be burned by fire. In addition, Peter also speaks clearly in his Epistelbrief 2a to the Romans,and he says that the earth and everything on it will be burned by fire. And that's the truth, my dear brothers, theelements will be burning waste.

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