Under the name of Enoch, there are three different apocryphal books, with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Enoch, orsometimes also referred to the languages in which they were handed down mainly.
The first Enoch is also called the Ethiopian Book of Enoch. It has survived completely only in Ethiopic. Parts of the book are also in Greek (the first 32 chapters found in a manuscript 1886/87, is also sometimes referred to as Greek Enoch) receive and Aramaic.
The second Enoch (Slavonic Enoch) is only preserved in Church Slavonic.
The third Book of Enoch (Hebrew Enoch) in Hebrew.
It describes the journeys, visions, dreams and revelations of Enoch the Prophet during his visit to heaven. A common theme is the sin of the angels with the daughters of men (Gen. 6.1)
返信削除Some people investigating the book of Enoch say that the angels were an aliens..and offspring born of them created a new race ...a bad race-killing race are called ..
A catholic church never wanted to admit that between us live the essence of evil..