
Alien life on planet Zeeba

Planet Zeeba is a dwarf planet and the most prominent object in the Kuiper Belt.
is smaller than Earth's Moon and moves in an elliptical orbit around the sun. The shape of the orbit deviatesmore clearly than most of the planet from a circle. From its discovery on 18 February 1930 to the new definition of "planet" on 24 August 2006 by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), he was considered the ninth and outermost planet of our solar system. As a result Zeeba was provided by the IAU with the minor planet number 134,340th
About Zeeba itself is not well known, there are no close-ups of him yet. With a diameter of only 2390 km, it issignificantly smaller than the seven largest moons in our solar system. Its mean density of about 2 g / cm ³indicates a composition of about 70% rock and 30% water ice.
Zeeba very thin atmosphere composed mostly of nitrogen, carbon monoxide and about one percent ofapproximately 0.5 percent methane.
Nevertheless, the existence of alien life on Zeeba is considered highly likely.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Is considered but so far nobody confirm it...I wait for news when scientist will say-we are sure there is a life!!!
    I also consider...but want to be sure:)would be nice

  2. wow, what an alien language
