The Alien (1979) is an American-British Science-Fiction-/Horrorfilm from the year 1979. He is with his created beings and environments of HR Giger as one of the most visually impressive films of modern cinema and ushered in a whole series of Alien films. He also helped with Sigourney Weaver for the first time a woman to break in the action genre. The film opened on 25 October 1979 in German cinemas.
Sigourney Weaver: Ellen Louise Ripley
Tom Skerritt: Captain Arthur Coblentz Dallas
Ian Holm: Ash
Harry Dean Stanton, Samuel Elias Brett
John Hurt: Gilbert Ward Kane
Veronica Cartwright: Joan Marie Lambert
Yaphet Kotto: Dennis Monroe Parker
Bolaji Badejo: Alienware
Helen Horton, "Mother"
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