
Zorats Karer - The ancient alien planetarium

Zorats Karer located on a piece of high ground in the rocky mountains near Sistian. There are 223 large stonetombs in the area. Examined the site by a team of archaeologists from the Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie, University of Munich and published their findings in 2000. Came from the collection he ZoratsKarer "Necropolis of the middle period in the Bronze Age to the Iron Age." They add that it could be "a refuge in times of war", perhaps in the Hellenistic - Roman (about 300 BC - 300 AD). Raised solid wall of stone and soilsurrounding the site with stone set into it to reinforce: today only the stone what is left of that wall. There arecircular holes in about 80 of those criteria.
In the city of Sisian displayed a small museum where archaeological objects from the site, which includeson-stone-carvings (petroglyphs) of ancient caves in the area, and the number of objects left in the tombs at the site.

The holes in the stones have been the subject of several controversial theory by Russian and Armenian asteriologists researchers who have suggested that the site is being used for astronomy, mainly because four of the holes refers to the point where the sun rises on a meter known as cyhydedd the summer while other four are pointing to the place where the sun set on that day. However, it seems likely that those holes later than the stone raised. 

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