
The Alien secret of Lemuria

Lemuria is the name of a supposed continent lost, located in the Indian Ocean or Pacific Ocean . The idea originated in the nineteenth century , the geological theory of Catastrophism , but has since been adopted by writers of the Hidden , by the people as well as Tamil , of India . Accounts of Lemuria differ in most details. However, all share the common belief that the continent existed in prehistoric times but sank into the ocean because of geological changes. Most scientists consider now submerged continents a physical impossibility, given the theory of Isostasy . However the variation in the average sea level during successive ice ages has flooded and exposed portions of land more or less extensive. These variations of exposed areas / flood will eventually have lingered in the collective memory of the people the wisdom accumulated over several generations.
 Throughout the nineteenth century , followers of the theories of Madame Blavatsky in her Secret Doctrine came to believe in a different version of World History has been endorsed in geological theory that the previous disasters. These individuals argued that the human race had gone through four stages pre-evolutionary, lying in the fifth stage. While some races of the fourth stage (and therefore less evolved) still came together with the fifth stage. For these theosophical, the fourth race would be very similar to the fifth and would have dwelt mainly on Atlantis . To third race, however, would be quite different and, having inhabited Lemuria, have a cartilaginous skeleton , three eyes (one in the neck, now atrophied, giving rise to the pituitary gland (now known as the pituitary gland ), mother of the powers paranormal such race, however, would be very bellicose and very intellectual development). The second race would have been semi-ethereal and the first race would not be tangible, being made ​​of ether , in the sense metaphysical word. Other theories attribute this atrophy ¨ ° to the third eye pineal or epífese, another gland in the central nervous system that, in fact, correlated with the histological structure (cellular) and embryonic eye, being situated between the occipital lobes of the brain. Remember that the matter pienal for circadian metabolic mechanisms. The pineal by many cultures is considered an important energy center and the paranormal and that both the Atlanteans and Lemurians have more particularly developed far beyond the powers that the current medical recognizes. It might be that Lemuria was an alien colony itself? Or was it an advanced human civilisation that got destroyed by aliens? Or did these people assimilate with the aliens?

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