
USA stop SETI Project - Money or fear?

The Californian SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) has claims to set the search for extraterrestrial life temporarily. Basic funding problems are the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) that theHat Creek Radio Observatory (HCRO) operates, where the total of 42 dishes of the Allen Telescope Array(ATA) are. Named after Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen radio telescope interferometer previously served as a data source for the approximately 130 employees of the SETI Institute - since last week, but it is in"hibernation". Or maybe it is not so much the money, but they could a afraid of the findings. Aliens could be dangerous,too.

"Means rest, that the system for the actual tasks available, but is operated by a significantly reduced serviceteam in safe mode," explains the director of the Institute, Tom Pierson, in an email to SETI promoters (PDF file). The main problem was lack of funds. Sun had about the National Science Foundation (NSF) HCRO theirsupport reduced to about one tenth of previous payments. In addition, the State of California budget cuts made ​​apparent: Donations to the Radio Astronomy Laboratory, UCB would now be much lower.

According to Pierson per year requires at least 1.5 million U.S. dollars for the operation of the ATA, and another million for the scientific work of the SETI Institute. It currently trying to raise money for two years of work,illustrates the SETI chief - although in his mail and some self-criticism resonates: instead of the radiotelescopes as previously "align stars, which are perhaps planet or not," they wanted to continue 1235specifically to take the planet candidates to target, which were previously discovered by the Kepler telescope.Until then, will be expanded to include working with volunteers in SetiQuest project.


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