
Is there a second earth? and do aliens life there?

Scientists discuss for a long time about the existence of alien life. The "SETI Institute" (SETI is the acronym for"Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence" - that is English for "Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence") usingtempted by huge telescopes, signals absorb from the universe and thus find out whether there is life. This is done via radio waves, whose existence in the universe is already proven. These radio waves are collected and examined for signals that do not originate from Earth. So far, however, still found nothing that suggests.Scientists build ever larger telescopes, with which they could receive such signals.
Outside our solar system, there are many more stars that orbit around the planet. About a year, researchershave discovered a planet, its composition is similar to our Earth. This planet is called "Gliese 581 C" and located 20 light years (or about 193 trillion kilometers, or about 4.8 billion times around the earth) away from us.It lies in the constellation Libra. It has been suggested that prevail there, a temperature similar to Earth, so liquid water could exist and thus life would be possible. Recent calculations suggest that the surface of the planet isprobably too hot yet, and therefore probably no life can exist there. But in space, particularly in the Milky Way,there are always new stars. And so the scientists continue their research. In the vastness of the universe, theearth is only a tiny dot.

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