
Earth vs. the Flying Saucers in 1956

To make an example, the aliens destroy a destroyer of the American fleet, with hundreds of people lose their lives. The scientists are now working feverishly on an effective weapon against the saucers. They develop anultrasonic weapon, which disturbs the magnetic field of extraterrestrial spaceships, losing drive and shields. All countries in the world now support this project. When the weapon is functional, a drone appears in the Wilderness, which infiltrated the laboratory. Quickly destroyed the military drone, and Dr. Marvin can bring the weapon to another location. However, as before Labor lands a flying saucer and the alien to make the search for Dr. Marvin, this takes a flying saucer to the finish. Although the spacecraft wobble, but shortly thereafteropened fire on the acoustic weapon which explodes shortly afterwards. An alien is now trying to kill Dr. Marvin,what prevents a soldier, by shooting the aliens. Dr. Marvin examined the aliens, which he declines his helmet.He notes, fascinated that the alien looks very similar to a human. At the end of a destructive war starts at the good of the Earth, with countless people die. The Washington Monument is destroyed by a crashing spaceship,is the train station and almost the whole city. The aliens open until the last breath fire on the army. Even a film about this event was made.

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