
Fermi Paradox - The alien theory

The Fermi paradox refers to a paradox that occurs when the assumption that in the Milky Way would be long before the people a solar systems colonizing alien species.
If such a species did really exist, then they would have colonized after a finite time, the entire Milky Way. The time it would take can not be determined, but you can do with assumed average propagation speed estimates.
The Milky Way has a diameter that is 100,000 light years, Assuming a propagation speed of a light year in 10,000 years the Milky Way would be completely colonized within a maximum of 1 billion years. For comparison, the earth is estimated at 5 billion years of age.
So it should have given at least 1 billion years ago an alien, planet-colonizing civilization in the galaxy, so one would have to demonstrate today their traces everywhere in the galaxy in the form of significant infrared and radio radiation. Since this is not true, it seems to have been not such a civilization so far.
One could conclude from the Fermi paradox that if there is an alien life form, they are either not able to colonize other planets beyond our solar system or not their plans to expand to other planets. 

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