
Astronomers find super-massive black holes

So-called super massive black holes are suspected in the center of large galaxies. Even our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is home to such a black hole in its center. However,  it has only about 4 million solar masses -about 2,500 times less than the newly discovered objects. The study of the rotational speed of stars in these galaxies revealed the mass of central black holes, around which they revolve. The black hole in the center of NGC 3842 has therefore 9.7 billion solar masses, the one in NGC 4889 is comparable to or even larger.
The black holes are so much more massive than the properties of the 2 galaxies were expected to write thea stronomers. The nearby wonder that the growth processes of large galaxies and their central black holes differs yet unexplained way from those of smaller galaxies.

However, there are astronomers who believe in even more massive black holes. In 2008 an international team of researchers reported on a binary system with the name OJ 287th. It consists of two black holes orbiting each other. The more massive hole is 18 billion times more massive than the sun. "This information is based on indirect measurements," said Michele Cappellari from the University of Oxford said. 
The value is therefore not now be published with the direct measurement to compare. To measure the mass of ablack hole, one must be able to resolve its immediate surroundings, where its gravity dominates. This iscurrently possible only with neighboring galaxies. These black holes are really massive! 

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