
Alien Astronauts as founders of our religions: Cargo-Cult

A Cargo Cult is a variety millenarian strong (ie the belief in the imminent end of the current world adhering) Melanesian religious-political movements. The faithful live by expectations brought about by the symbolic return of ancestral alternative actions, which should bring in western goods.The war material that was during the Second World War mass thrown off by the U.S. Army on these islands (ready-made clothes, canned food, tents, weapons and other goods) brought drastic changes in lifestyle of the islanders with it: both the soldiers and the locals they were housed, over showered with material quantities. Often it was their own homes and food stocks destroyed and cleared runways and airports in the jungle for the expected cargo aircraft. It was about Hollandia (now Jayapura) made into a great naval base, where in 1944 some 400,000 american. soldiers were stationed. The aftermath of this invasion on the indigenous population was reflected in the postwar period in the construction of numerous "Cargo-houses" resist.
With the war's end, the airports have to leave and no new "cargo" was more thrown off. Strives to continue to receive cargo by parachute or landing on water, imitating the practice of cult followers who had seen the soldiers, sailors and airmen. They carved headphones from wood and wore them as if they were sitting in the airport tower. They positioned themselves on the runways and landing imitated the wave-like signals. They lit signal fires and torches to the runways and lighthouses.
The cult practitioners assumed that the alien has a special contact with the ancestors, who appeared to them as the only beings with the power to pour out such treasures. By imitating the foreigners, they hoped, they might even succeed, such a bridge. In a kind of sympathetic magic, for example, they built life-sized model airplanes out of straw or creating systems that were modeled after the military airport runways,  in the hope of attracting new aircraft.
The confrontation with the traditional way of life so different from European goods often led to a collapse of the whole value system of the indigenous peoples and to a reshaping of the social structures, in the hope of Paradise and to achieve salvation in this world.
Maybe this happened already to the ancient people who later built pyramids or the hanging gardens of Babylon. Maybe they were also visited and instructed by astronauts . 

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