
K'inich Janaab' Pakal I. in an alien space ship

 K'inich Janaab 'Pakal I, also known as Pacal the Great (born March 23, 603; 683 † 28 August) was the greatestruler (Ajaw) of the Mayan city of Palenque. He reigned from 26 July 615 to his death. After his death was K'inichJanaab 'Pakal I, in a crypt beneath the Temple of Inscriptions buried. The burial was discovered in 1952 by thenon robs Mexican archaeologist Alberto Ruz Lhuillier. Outside the entrance hall to the grave, he discovered theskeletons of five men and women who were apparently sacrificed to accompany Pakal on his journey to the underworld (Xibalba). The grave room itself is almost entirely occupied by the monumental sarcophagus. On the ornate lid sees mythological representations of Pacal Beyond travel and a list of his ancestors.
Inside the sarcophagus, the skeleton of the ruler, along with numerous offerings of jade was found.
On one of the drawings in the tomb you can see Pakal in a space ship flying to the heavens .

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