
Who built the Moon?

Answers to this question provides two American physicist, Christopher Knight and Alan Butler.
The suggestion that the moon may be an artificial creation is unbelievable. This book present a series of scientific arguments, but for the fact that the Earth`s moon may not be a natural object.
He discovers an intriguing correspondence between the parameters of the moon and the prehistoric measurement unit length, megalithic yard described in the book first Earth civilization -proving that these relationship have been design deliberately.
However, there remains an exiting question: if the moon was designed, who was the creator? who built the moon?
Moon by pure chance would be exactly 400 times smaller then Earth and circling orbit, which is just 400 times smaller them the distance from the Earth to the Sun.
The biggest surprise resulted in a number of detailed studies of lunar rock samples supplied by U.S Apollo mission and unnamed soviet probes. The oldest rocks taken from the Moon is much older then any rocks ever found on Earth.
A thorough analysis of lunar rocks showed that they are very similar to rocks that are formed in the mantle of the Earth, but the density of the Moon is much smaller that then density if the Earth.
However recent studies have shown that the material ejected by a collision would have to fall back to Earth.
These words show how hopelessly far-fetch theory is all a big impact.
In 1962 Dr. Gordon McDonald, a leading NASA scientist, published in ``Astronautics magazine``article, in which he stated that the analysis of the Moon`s motion indicates that the moon is hollow.
One thing is certain: Moon was the most important factor that decided develop and sustain life forms on Earth..
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2 件のコメント:

  1. i still believe there is NO MOON !!!

  2. John the Ripper2011年12月18日 9:44

    So if someone built the moon, why does he not build a second one and sells it on EBAY ?
    i would buy it
