
Very close and well documented encounter of a plane with a UFO 1980

 April 11, 1980 Friday, quarter past seven, I stationed in the vicinity of La Jolla in Arequipa Air Force Base. Base of about eighteen hundred military personnel and civilians, the day is a very ordinary day, we are preparing to launch a daily practice. Although I was only twenty-year-old lieutenant but I've had eight years of military flying experience. The military pilot, I considered very precocious. I am nineteen years old has been flying combat missions performed, twenty years old, I was elected Peru's newest supersonic flight Sukhoi fighter jets. I won a lot of pilots Medal, and the air to the top marksman known, has a clever shooting techniques from the air. Because of my expertise leads me in that extraordinary morning as usual, was elected to perform an extremely rare and unexpected tasks, I have no prior knowledge of a trip to go to perform special tasks. I was just as usual and my Air Force counterparts, on the ready to take off, an officer came to take the truck and tried to tell us, the end of the runway there is an object that looks like a balloon floating in the air . We are out of the plane to see it, the moment we know what their mission is, on the ground we stand on four pilots observed the object. Commander Rui Kala ordered to be off by a team air, shoot down the object. Our Executive turned to me and said: "Hu Freitas, from your mission." circular objects that about five kilometers away from us, suspended from the ground about 600 meters in height. As the sky very clear, that the object due to reflection of the sun shining.
This "balloon" unauthorized, stay in the no-fly airspace, means a serious challenge to national sovereignty. All civil aircraft and military aircraft pilots use aeronautical charts, and clearly mark the highly protected airspace, such as our base of over. They know the location of these no-fly zone, no matter under what circumstances, no one has been flying there. This thing not only in this no-fly zone, and do not reply to the Communications common frequency transmission requirements, while continuing to advance toward the base. It must immediately halt. La Jolla has a few in South America fighting the Soviet-made equipment, bases, we are very worried that this balloon is one of espionage. 1980 At that time, Peru does not have any type of air balloons, including balloon weather balloon or passenger. So we know this is not strange objects from China, we are very familiar with weather balloons, equipped with antennas and cables, but only in a million more than 3700 meters altitude flight. Front of the balloon height is relatively low. We do not know where it came from, but as it is increasingly close, we have no choice but to destroy it. Squadron commander Wadan Si Captain ordered me to drive my Sukhoi -22 fighters took off, in that the balloon closer to the base before the intercepting it. I then walked back to my fighter, eyes still glued to the air and hold things, my mind pondered the task required to perform each step. Since the object at the base of the line of sight, and my aircraft armed with thirty centimeters caliber shells, so I decided to attack from the south west of the northeast. In this case, the sun in my left, I aim the target accurately, avoid impact to the base of my weapons. After takeoff, I go to the right, feeder height of two thousand five hundred meters, aiming to position the balloon attack, bombardment of sixty-four made ​​thirty centimeters caliber shells, these shells form a "cone" of the firewall, it will be normal eliminate all fire path. Some projectile off target, falling on the ground, hit the other projectiles are accurate. I think the balloon will then split, the gas will start from pouring out. But nothing happened. Shells seems to be a huge balloon absorbed, and the balloon intact. That balloon suddenly began rising rapidly, away from the base. "What is the situation now in the end?" I meditated. "I have to close it some more." I start the aircraft's afterburner, pulled up and started chasing the first machine, and while I intend to follow the reporting procedures for the control tower, continue to shoot down the object task. Because I know this is a very unusual task, I ask them to ensure the normal operation of the recorder, in order to start happening at the moment the situation can be recorded down. Then, a series of amazing events begins. My fighter flying at a speed of nine hundred and fifty kilometers, that "balloon" to maintain 500 meters in front of me. As we more and more distant from the base, I told the control tower reported the relevant information, such as: "I am in the height of 300 meters from the base twenty kilometers away ... ... I 6000 meters of altitude, distance base four ten kilometers away ... "and so on. At this time I have over the city in Kamana, about four from the base, 38 km altitude of eleven thousand meters.

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