
UFOs and Nukes

Organized by author Robert Hastings took place on 27 September 2010, a press conference with the theme of "UFOs and nuclear weapons" instead of, again at the National Press Club in Washington DC Six formerofficers and a pilot for the U.S. Air Force stood before the press, representing over 120 statements of othersoldiers, has collected the Hastings and published on the subject. The aim of the press conference was todiscredit the  official position of the U.S. government UFO subject. Officially not investigated UFO incident evera threat to national security has shown. The witnesses presented to the press should show the opposite. Said the former air force officer Robert Salas spoke of a UFO incident that allegedly occurred in 1967 on the U.S.Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. Salas was responsible for the supervision of ten intercontinental nuclear missiles. When the incident was a red-hot UFO appeared directly above the base. At the same timewere all ten missiles become inoperable for hours and would not have been bootable. The other witnesses, the press reported similar incidents where UFOs have been seen at military nuclear facilities or had influenced them.

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