
Scientists: Time travel is possible

One hypothetical way to time travel is a motion with the velocity of the order of the speed of light, and even exceeding it. Despite one of the fundamental propositions of the theory of relativity, which is the inability to achieve a speed greater than the speed of light in the last ten years in the scientific community a debate, whose essence consists in the fact that single photons can be" superluminal ".

Proof of the existence of such photons would be a theoretical possibility of time travel, since these photons would violate the principle of causality.

This principle in classical physics, means the following: any event that occurred at time t 1 , can affect the event in time t 2 , only on condition that t 1 is less than t 2 . In relativity theory, this principle is formulated in a similar way, only to have it added to the conditions associated with relativistic effects, because of which depends on the time frame of reference.

Rise to renewed debate about the existence of" superluminal "photons appeared in January 2010. Then in the journal Optic Express published an article of American Scientists, which said the science department" Gazety.Ru ". In their experiment, the researchers conceded photons through a stack of materials of different nature.

Alternating layers of high and low refractive indices, the scientists detected that individual photons pass through the plate thickness of 2.5 microns at a rate of apparent superluminal.

This phenomenon authors tried to explain in terms of wave-particle nature of light( because the light is a wave and, and the flux of particles-photons simultaneously) without violating relativity theory, arguing that the observed rate is a delusion. In the experiment, and the light begins and ends his career as a photon. When one of these photons crosses the boundary between the layers of material on each surface, it creates a wave - optical precursor precursor( for illustrative to compare the optical precursor of an air wave that occurs in front of a moving train). These waves interact with each other, creating an interference pattern: that is, the wave intensities are redistributed, creating a picture of the clear highs and lows, just as in counterpropagating waves in the ocean by tidal layer - water uplift. At a particular location of H-and L-layers of the interference of waves causes the effect of" Early arrival "of the photons. But other photons, however, come much later than usual because of an interference minima in the picture. For the correct detection rate of all the photons have to be registered, pass through the layers, then averaging will give the usual speed of light.

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