
Scientists look for alien lights

Scientists investigating alien life are considering a new way to search for it. They are considering searching for city lights of alien planets beyond the Solar System.
Avi Loeb of the Center for Astrophysics Harvard-Smithsonian Center, and Edwin Turner, a faculty member at Princeton University, said that they depart the claim that aliens should you use technology similar to that used by humans and that any alien intelligence that has evolved in planets close to Earth to use artificial lighting, according toThe Register .
"Search for alien cities is a difficult task, but does not require much money," said Loeb. "If we can find them, our perception of life would change dramatically."
According to Space , the pair of scientists agree that distinguish artificial lights of distant planets of natural light emitted by stars is a unique difficulty. They claim that their research can hardly bear fruit in this generation, but check for artificial lighting by future telescopes will be a very sensitive inexpensive way to keep the search for extraterrestrial life.
One should also consider that, as there is diversity on Earth (a dolphin "listens" for the shape of the objects as much as see them), it is possible that alien life forms do not need lighting, although a large proportion of scientists insist on looking aliens "in our image and likeness" 

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