
Puma Punku in Tiahuanaco - Another proof of Ancient Astronauts in South America

Tiahuanaco is an important archaeological site of a pre-Inca culture to Tiawanacu in Bolivia. The most famous sight is the sun gate. It is about three meters high and 3.75 m wide and was carved out of a single Andesitblock. After the death of culture probably overthrown by an earthquake and broken into two parts, it was re-erected in 1908. Its weight is estimated at seven to twelve tons. In it there is a frieze with a deity holding two snake scepter in his hands. The mask-like face is framed by a radiating headdress. This motif is also located on the Raimondi Stela of Chavin de Huantar. Many people believe that the ruined city was created by extraterrestrials.

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