
Planetary defense in case of an Alien attack

2011 published the Planetary Science Division of NASA and the Pennsylvania State University, a study, which focused various destructive invasion and first-contact scenarios.

Defense strategies include future land-, sea-and airborne weapons systems, space weapons, energy weaponsand railguns, but also manned and unmanned space missions. 2007, a possible asteroid defense wasdiscussed and investigated with nuclear weapons. In October 2010, recommended a NASA working group, which also Russell Louis Schweickart, a former astronaut belonged to the establishment of an authority for Planetary Defense, the Planetary Defense Office.

Also, the ESA is concerned within the framework of the Space Situational Awareness Preparatory Programmewith potential risk factors for the earth, such as space weather, space debris and Near Earth Objects.

Sky monitoring projects e.g. NEAT, LINEAR, LONEOS, CSS, CINEOS, Spacewatch Near Earth asteroids and other objects to try to discover.
The International Academy of Astronautics held the first conference in 2009 (Protecting Earth from Asteroids) from Spain, in May 2011 was a further conference (From Threat to Action) in Bucharest, Romania. It was the risk analysis program NEOMiSS (The Near-Earth Object Mitigation Support System) is presented.


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