
The moon influences the tide. But how? Is there an alien power?

The moon influences the tide. But how? Is there an alien power? Two celestial body would move as a result of mutual attraction to each other and collide. A stable distance exists when they rotate against each other. This is the appeal of a radial force that is necessary for the running around, "consumed". 
This means that, for example, the pull of the moon is primarily compensated by the rotation of the Earth around the common center of gravity of the moon. On Earth as the reference system is as a result of this cycle one of the attractive force detected opposing centrifugal force. This works everywhere in the same size as the Earth rotates all points on circles of equal radius. The attraction is in different parts of the earth differ in size, generally larger on the side facing the Moon than on the opposite side. The focus of it is canceled by the centrifugal force, otherwise there remains a small, tidal-called resultant, which is almost everywhere directed outward. It is at two opposite points of the earth's surface is greatest, namely, where it is pierced by the by the priorities of the Earth and moon continuous line (the maximum value itself is often referred to as tidal power). It shows there radially outward. Consequently, a mountain flood occurs not only on the surface of the moon facing the earth but also over.
When viewed from outside the Earth, only gravitational forces of attraction or offset against each other, namely, the various local forces to the center of gravity of the earth acting force. This clearly shows that the tidal force but a consequence of gravity, but this is only a subordinate. The tidal force is thus much smaller than the gravitational force causing. So no moon, no tide!

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