
Jupiter kernel melts!!

Researchers at the University of California have made ​​amazing calculations, which show that the core of the planet melts. This may lead to disintegration of Jupiter, and this will have serious consequences also for the Earth - we read in the prestigious scientific journal "Science" . A group of scientists from the University of California made ​​a quantum calculation of forward-looking "behavior" of magnesium oxide (MgO), a key compound found in the nucleus Jupiter, in the presence of a mixture of liquid hydrogen and helium from the mantle of the planet. According to them, the temperature which prevails in the interior of Jupiter is about 16,000 degrees Kelvin. Under such conditions, the rock forming the core of the planet is gradually dissolving. Probably in the past Jupiter nucleus was greater than now, and the process of its dissolution takes place a long time. This means that the planet is in peril. This will be done only for the many millions of years, but does not change the fact that the event will have drastic consequences for the entire Solar system.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. The whole planet, in addition to solid core, consists of a mixture of gases. Its total mass exceeds 300 times the mass of Earth. The very core of Jupiter weighs 10 times as much as Earth. This creates a very strong gravitational interactions. Due to the strong attraction, the rings around Jupiter arose chiefly composed of asteroids that planet trapped in their gravitational field. In addition, Jupiter provides a balance in the solar system. Without this planet will most likely change the orbits of all the other planets. In addition, rain debris originating from the rings around Jupiter, it could destroy a nearby planet.
So the forecast of the end of the world have their justification in science...only it is not the end as something mystical, but a huge and impossible to stop disaster...space demands a blood...

2 件のコメント:

  1. wow this is scary! thanks god we are not on jupiter

  2. So this is scientific proof that a Planet X or Nibiru type event is not only explainable by science but also highly likely
