
Increase of 200% in Alien abductions in 2011

New statistics show an increase of 200% in reported Alien abductions in 2011. For example, tell people that they - were in their homes invaded by aliens and taken to a spaceship where all sorts of strange beings undertook medical examinations on them - shortly after falling asleep. A common feature of these reports is that any material information missing on the presence of aliens. Supposedly puzzlingat times "abductees" medically proven to be easily explainable natural skin. Apparently people were even partially abducted from skyscrapers in big cities like New York, while the spacecraft hovered outside the window - without this, however, could be confirmed by independent witnesses. There are also authors who are not aliens, but time travelers, people make "other dimensions", demons and other strange creatures for the "kidnapping" charge. May this be a sign from the extraterrestrials that they prepare for their invasion in 2012? 

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