
Bill Kaysing on Astronaut Buzz Aldrin

 I've talked to Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin. I was invited to appear on CBS television in Los Angeles with Colonel Aldrin. And they called him up, and he wouldn't appear with me. So I called him up, and I said, "Buzz, why don't you appear with me?" And his exact words were, "That is something I do not want to do," and he hung up. Now if, in reality, they had gone to the moon, wouldn't they put me on the air with a genuine astronaut, and let me debate with him. You've got to remember, too, that Neil Armstrong has not given more than three interviews since he allegedly returned from the moon. A friend of mine went to see him, to question him, and he not only refused to talk to him, he said, "If you hang around my farm much longer, I'll call the police." Now, here's the most famous man of the twentieth century, Neil Armstrong, allegedly set foot on the moon, July 21, 1969 - why won't he talk about it?

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