
Aliens + Humans = We the inhabitants off our solar system

In studies of meteorites, for example, ALH 84001, traces were found, might be the fossils of extraterrestrial microorganisms. This is controversial, because the traces found are not even biologically explainable. Since the emergence of exobiology, which focuses on the possible existence of extraterrestrial life and the building, no discovery has been made​​, evidence of clear traces of extraterrestrial life forms. Amino acids - important building blocks of living things on earth - were not already detected outside the solar system and also on meteorites (eg, the Murchison meteorite) and comet (Wild 2).
Meanwhile, it was proven experimentally that meteorites like Murchison meteorite possess catalytic abilities: their material can cause that arise from simple molecules such as formamide among other amino acids and precursors of sugar molecules.
If such a life should exist on other solar system objects, would clarify whether this life has spread from the earth from outer space came to earth is (Panspermietheorie), or has evolved independently in different places from each other. In aerospace, the Planetary Protection is important.
Therefore we should accept that we are not alone and make friends with the aliens.

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