
The alien like Starchild skull

Many scientists consider the Starchild skull as an indication for the intervention of extraterrestrial intelligence inthe history of man. In your opinion, were experimenting with alien life forms of human DNA or the DNA of earlierprimates, thus leading to a mixture of both heredity. These hypotheses correspond to the known theories,although controversial authors such as Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin. According to this hypothesisattended an extraterrestrial civilization, according to Sitchin, the Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru, Earth, for commodities, especially gold, degrade. For this purpose they created the people supposedly as a workhorse,by their own DNA with the crossing of simple primates.
The counters, the science that it can also come in a natural way to similar abnormalities. Thus reminding the shape of the Star Child skull inevitably of the disease hydrocephalus (water on the brain), in which it occurs byan intracranial brain impoundment of water in the child's skull is still soft to also striking abnormalities. Even as Crouzon syndrome or Apert's syndrome can lead to anatomical abnormalities, which resemble the Star Child.Ultimately, a combination of genetic and non-genetic defects is possible as well as alien influence.

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