

The promised return of extraterrestrials on December 23, 2012? The Swiss writer and UFO researcher Erich von Däniken spoke about other mysteries in this exclusive interview withswissinfo.ch and revealed that, soon, their work will be filmed by Hollywood in a trilogy in 3D, with an ex-James Bond role. When receive the journalist JungfrauPark in Interlaken, Bernese Alps, a theme park inspired by his work, Däniken gave a lecture to a small group of twenty people, one of his favorite activities. Despite 76 years, it still shows an exceptional force and not give up cigarettes. As a famous researcher of ancient astronauts, you are known worldwide. At this age, what motivates you to continue working?What drives me is curiosity. You may have written many books and brought many clues, but still do not have any objective evidence of this. I never found any object originated from an extraterrestrial civilization, but somewhere it should be. It would be nice if someone - need not be the Erich von Däniken - find the objective evidence. In an old interview, you said he had two dreams: to find a time capsule and cross with a flying saucer. Much remains yet? The time capsule would be the exact proof of the existence of extraterrestrials. I believe it was left for thousands of years to save a message. And we find we need it. But before that we need to look and have the questions: What are we looking for?I'm not alone in this quest, there are others as well. As for UFOs, I never saw any. But would love to have this experience that seems to have happened to other people. I would like to communicate with them and ask them if they have been here on the planet thousands of years ago. Will other known them already here, and why? I would also like to know how the universe began. In astrophysics we talk about the Big Bang. But what existed before that? Maybe the aliens know the answer and I'd be satisfied. Two years ago the British government released secret files on UFOs. Have you investigated this material or evidence supplied by third parties? No. What I get are tons and tons of photocopies. And meeting them often stamped "top secret" and also the indications of when and how. I read the craziest things in this area, many of which occurred decades ago. But what is current, remains confidential. I know very well the American astronaut Ed Mitchell. Months ago, we were sitting together discussing UFOs. Although he had never seen one, there is the famous Roswell. It is a city in the southern U.S., where in 1947 an alien craft had fallen. Mitchell, who comes from this city, told me that the story really happened. The U.S. government officially denies, saying it was the crash of a balloon or the military. So I'm between two sides: those who can believe in? I tend to believe Mitchell, because I met other people of that city and were there when the incident occurred. In the world there are powerful radio telescope systems such as Russia, Australia and Puerto Rico. Do you believe that responsible governments would never have detected signals from ET? Officially not. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) has a sub-department called Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). The systems are linked radio telescopes to him and his goal is to identify these signals. Officially nothing has been detected to date, no hiss or something. But this story has a question mark: SETI researchers decided amongst themselves, which is proved by an official document that anyone who is on duty in the observatory and listen to something artificial, can not go directly to the public. The requirement is that, first, a series of unions composed of representatives from government and religion to argue that fact to decide whether the public should be notified or not [See issue 179 UFO ] . In the lecture you said that we must prepare for the first contact with extraterrestrials and that this is not necessarily something positive for humanity. Why? I am concerned that the aliens have been here for over a thousand years. At the time they were helpful. They were like teachers, who helped humanity. But when the aliens return in the future, you can not initially be the same whether or, rather, an altogether different kind. But I believe that if a civilization is so advanced in technology to the point of being able to overcome light-years, it is not supposed to use such primitive methods westerns and shoot other forms of intelligent life. I do not think this can happen, but that will be helpful. But this contact is a shock to humanity. For fear that will cause? on the planet We have basically two groups of people. One is religious and learned that God made ​​everything: the universe, plants, animals etc.. But the apex of God's creation is the human being. But the other group is the scientific side: they know evolution, mutation and selection. But at the apex of the evolutionary spiral is the human being. In both cases we are the largest, the best things that may exist in the universe. Somehow we do not want the aliens, because they would be beyond us. It is a psychological problem. If, in fact, they come, will be a shock to science and religion. Erich von Däniken and declares himself a believer until he prays every night. There is a contradiction for a ufologist? I am convinced that there are over a thousand years, were aliens on our planet. Now we must ask the following question: where do they come from? Some say it was from another solar system, but that would previously have traveled elsewhere. This question is repeated infinitely in the last million years. At some point we reach the end of this current and we must be humble: here is the creation, God is here. I never lost my God. I am one of the few people who even today is still extremely believer and prays at night. No longer like before. Before praying to Mother Mary. Today I pray for this great spirit of creation, for we can not understand and analyze. But our understanding tells us that God is the beginning. That we do not lose when engaging with extraterrestrials.

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