
Jacob Salatun - Indonesian Ufologist

J. Mengenyam Salatun education in the High Technical School Surabaya and Yogyakarta in 1944. Then in1945 he joined the Army engineers and students continue to enter the People's Security Army (TKR) The office of Aviation (which later became the Army Air Force), here it is served as head of propaganda from 1946 to1956. At an army in the TKR Flights on this post in his career he pioneered with Wiweko Soepono and NurtanioPringgoadisuryo.
In 1951 J. Access Investigates Salatun School of AURI, and set out to New York, USA in the year 1952 to studyin the U.S. Armed Forces Information School (School Information for the U.S. Air Force in New York. Since1956-1968, J. Salatun Sekertaris Hall served as Aviation / Depanri and complete plan of the establishment of Eight, which then led in the year 1971-1978. J. Salatun also became Head of the flight section, Commissionterms, the Board Language and Culture department of P & K in the year 1951-1966.
In addition to activities in the field kedirgantaraan in 1956-1962 he became a member of Film Sensor Panel. Italso served as Secretary-head combination of the Ministry of Defence Chief of Staff in the years 1957-1962,and a Member of the MPRS in 1960-1966 and a Member of the National Planning Council in the years 1962-1964.
In 1963-1967 A. Salatun became Vice Chief Rocket Development Project Kartika I (1963-1967). It is a Project Officer Rocket Project Ionosfer / Space External (1963-1967) and the same moment a Scientific advisor of the Minister / Chief of AU (1962-1965); Head MBAU Research Bureau (1966): Deputy Minister of Aviation Industry(1966); Member House of Representatives (1967-1968); KSAU Personal Assistant Research areas, since1979.

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