
GJ 667 new earth like planet discovered

667Cc Gliese (GJ also 667Cc) is a 2012 discovered exoplanet in the constellation Scorpio in the Milky Way, where might be possible after the first measurements of life. He belongs to the triple-star system Gliese 667 (also known as GJ 667, Gl 667, 142 G. Scorpii, or HR 6426), which is located in 6.8 parsecs or 22.1 lightyears away, a rather high proper motion of 1 arcsec has annually and consists of three dwarf stars. Gliese667C is a dwarf star, the M-Class, thus belongs to the most frequently represented stars of the Milky Way.Because he belongs to a triple star system and has very little heavy chemical elements, he was considered quite unlikely home for planets. GJ 667Cc is classified as a super-Earth. GJ 667Cc has a mass of about 2.7 × 1024 kg (4.5 times Earth's mass). Its distance from the Earth is about 22 light years (209 trillion kilometers).His sun, one of the M-class dwarf star named GJ 667C, it orbits in 28.15 days. This emits a similar amount ofenergy as our sun, but mostly in the infrared range. It is assumed that in FY 667Cc there a temperature atwhich liquid water could exist.

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