
Are we threatened by a war with Alien races?

And if this will look like? It is also entirely possible that there was this war in the past, but we have lost the knowledge about this. For example, describes Ward, the famous series Star race called the Cardassians one.The strict control by the Secret Order of Obsidian (Obsidian Order) has coined the Cardassian social order accordingly. Cardassians affect people and other peoples because of their strong military mindset and war-making greedy. Because of their approach, which seeks only its own interests, they are also considered strictly patriotic. Ethical and moral issues have in the Cardassian military power increasingly lost importance. The Cardassians characterizes so goal-oriented, and cunning tactics. The achievement of objectives in the most efficient and shortest path are the typical characteristics of the Cardassian military. As a result, the Cardassian order differs greatly from the Federation, for example, is governed by the (ethical) directives, or Klingon, represent the honor and family traditions to the fore.
The military aims to colonial power. It invades and occupies consistently neighboring planet to meet the demand for commodities will continue, provided that the end justifies their own purpose. Through numerous wars and conquests Cardassia can further develop its strength in military and tactical skills and is one of the most technologically advanced and powers in the Alpha Quadrant.
Between the Cardassians and the Federation for a long time there was war. In the year 2367 until a ceasefire was agreed. Regardless of the Cardassians occupied in the year 2328 the religious and peaceful planet Bajor for nearly 41 years (2328-2369). During this time, enslaved and persecuted them, the Bajorans, killing more than ten million of them. The raw materials Bajor had been plundered by this time across the board. The federation decided to help rebuild the planet Bajor. Will we have so much luck?

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